Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Grace of God in NOT Answering All Prayers

“Thy will be done.” Unless that were the spirit of all our prayer, how should we have courage to pray if we know ourselves at all, or if we have come to a time when we can have some retrospect on our prayers and their fate? Without this committal to the wisdom of God, prayer would be a very dangerous weapon in proportion as it was effective. No true God could promise us an answer to our every prayer. No Father of mankind could. The rain that saved my crop might ruin my neighbour’s. It would paralyse prayer to be sure that it would prevail as it is offered, certainly and at once. We should be terrified at the power put into our foolish hands. 
Nothing would do more to cure us of a belief in our own wisdom than the granting of some of our eager prayers. And nothing could humiliate us more than to have God say when the fulfilment of our desire brought leanness to our souls, “Well, you would have it.” It is what He has said to many. But He said more, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Prayer is a Promise

A prayer is also a promise. Every true prayer carries with it a vow. If it do not, it is not in earnest. It is not of a piece with life. Can we pray in earnest if we do not in the act commit ourselves to do our best to bring about the answer? Can we escape some kind of hypocrisy? This is especially so with intercession. What is the value of praying for the poor if all the rest of our time and interest is given only to becoming rich? Where is the honesty of praying for our country if in our most active hours we are chiefly occupied in making something out of it, if we are strange to all sacrifice for it? Prayer is one form of sacrifice, but if it is the only form it is vain oblation.
If we pray for our child that he may have God’s blessing, we are really promising that nothing shall be lacking on our part to be a divine blessing to him. And if we have no kind of religious relation to him (as plenty of Christian parents have none), our prayer is quite unreal, and its failure should not be a surprise. To pray for God’s kingdom is also to engage ourselves to service and sacrifice for it. To begin our prayer with a petition for the hallowing of God’s name and to have no real and prime place for holiness in our life or faith is not sincere. The prayer of the vindictive for forgiveness is mockery, like the prayer for daily bread from a wheat-cornerer. No such man could say the Lord’s Prayer but to his judgement. What would happen to the Church if the Lord’s Prayer became a test for membership as thoroughly as the Creeds have been? The Lord’s Prayer is also a vow to the Lord. None but a Christian can pray it, or should.
Great worship of God is also a great engagement of ourselves, a great committal of our action. To begin the day with prayer is but a formality unless it go on in prayer, unless for the rest of it we pray in deed what we began in word. One has said that while prayer is the day’s best beginning it must not be like the handsome rifle-page of a worthless book.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Unity in Christ Expressed By and Sustained By Prayer

If there must be in the Church a communion of belief, there must be there also a communion of prayer. For the communion of prayer is the very first form the communion of belief takes. It is in this direction that Church unity lies. It lies behind prayer, in something to which prayer gives effect, in that which is the source and soul of prayer—in our relation with God in Christ, in our new creation. Prayer for Church unity will not bring that unity; but that which stirs, and founds, and wings prayer will. And prayer is its chief exercise. The true Church is just as wide as the community of Christian prayer, i.e. of due response to the gospel of our reconcilement and communion with God. And it is a thing almost dreadful that Christians who pray to the same God, Christ, and Saviour should refuse to unite in prayer because of institutional differences.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Rightness of Prayer

When we are in God’s presence by prayer we are right, our will is morally right, we are doing His will. However unsure we may be about other acts and efforts to serve Him we know we are right in this. If we ask truly but ask amiss, it is not a sin, and He will in due course set us right in that respect. We are sure that prayer is according to His will, and that we are just where we ought to be. And that is a great matter for the rightness of our thought, and of the aims and desires proposed by our thoughts. It means much both as to their form and their passion. If we realize that prayer is the acme of our right relation to God, if we are sure that we are never so right with Him in anything we do as in prayer, then prayer must have the greatest effect and value for our life, both in its purpose and its fashion, in its spirit and its tenor. What puts us right morally, right with a Holy God (as prayer does), must have a great shaping power on every part and every juncture of life. And, of course, especially upon the spirit and tenor of our prayer itself, upon the form and complexion of our petition.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

In Prayer God Brings the Certainty of Future Glory to Us

We possess our souls in the prayer which is real communion with God. We enter by faith upon that which to sight and history is but a far future reversion. When He comes to our prayer He brings with Him all that He purposes to make us. We are already the “brave creature” He means us to be. More than our desire is fulfilled—our soul is. In such hour or visitation we realize our soul or person at no one stage of it, but in its fullness, and in the context of its whole and final place in history, the world, and eternity. A phase which has no meaning in itself, yet carries, like the humble mother of a great genius, an eternal meaning in it. And we can seize that meaning in prayer; we can pierce to what we are at our true centre and true destiny, i.e. what we are to God’s grace. Laws and injunctions, such as “Love your neighbour,” even “Love your enemy,” then become life principles, and they are law pressures no more. The yoke is easy. Where all is forgiven to seventy times seven there is no friction and no grief any more. We taste love and joy. All the pressure of life then goes to form the crystals of faith. It is God making up His jewels.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prayer Connects Us with the Whole Creation and It's Destiny by Connecting Us with Christ

And so also with the universe itself as we rise in Christ to prayer. Joined with its Redeemer, we are integrated into its universality. We are made members of its vast whole.

We are not detained and cramped in a sectional world. We are not planted in the presence of an outside, alien universe, nor in the midst of a distraught, unreconciled universe, which speaks like a crowd, in many fragments and many voices, and drags us from one relation with it to another, with a Lo, here is Christ, or there.

But it is a universe wholly vocal to us, really a universe, and vocal as a whole, one congenial and friendly, as it comes to us in its Christ and ours. It was waiting for us— for such a manifestation of the Son of God as prayer is. This world is not now a desert haunted by demons. And it is more than a vestibule to another; it is its prelude in the drama of all things. We know it in another knowledge now than its own. Nature can never be understood by natural knowledge. We know it as science never can—as a whole, and as reality. We know it as we are known of God—altogether, and not in pieces. Having nothing, and praying for everything, we possess all things. The faith that energizes in Christian prayer sets us at the centre of that whole of which Nature is the overture part. The steps of thought and its processes of law fade away. They do not cease to act, but they retire from notice. We grasp the mobile organization of things deep at its constant and trusty heart. We receive the earnest of our salvation—Christ in us.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prayer Is Creation's Great Destiny

In prayer we do not ask God to do things contrary to Nature. Rather here ascending Nature takes its true effect and arrives. For the God we invoke is the Lord and Destiny of the whole creation; and in our invocation of Him Nature ends on its own key-note. He created the world at the first with a final and constant reference to the new creation, whose native speech is prayer. The whole creation thus comes home and finds itself in our prayer; and when we ask from the God of the whole Creation we neither do nor expect an arbitrary thing. We petition a God in whom all things are fundamentally working together for good to such a congenial cry. So far from crossing Nature, we give it tongue. We lift it to its divinest purpose, function, and glory. Nature excels itself in our prayer. The Creation takes its true effect in personality, which at once resists it, crowns it, and understands it; and personality takes true effect in God—in prayer. If there be a divine teleology in Nature at all, prayer is the telos. The world was made to worship God, for God’s glory. And this purpose is the world’s providence, the principle of creation. It is an end present all along the line and course of natural evolution; for we deal in prayer most closely with One to whom is no after nor before. We realize the simultaneity of Eternity.
When we are straitened in prayer we are yet not victims of Nature, we are yet free in the grace of God—as His own freedom was straitened in Christ’s incarnation, not to say His dereliction, to the finishing of His task. It is hard, it is often impossible, for us to tell whether our hour of constriction or our hour of expansion contributes more to the divine purpose and its career. Both go to make real prayer. They are the systole and diastole of the world’s heart. True prayer is the supreme function of the personality which is the world’s supreme product. It is personality with this function that God seeks above all to rear—it is neither particular moods of its experience, nor influential relations of it with the world. The praying personality has an eternal value for God as an end in itself. This is the divine fullness of life’s time and course, the one achievement that survives with more power in death than in life. The intercession of Christ in heaven is the continuity and consummation of His supreme work on earth. To share it is the meaning of praying in the Spirit. And it has more effect on history` than civilization has. This is a hard saying, but a Christian can say no otherwise without in so far giving up his Christianity. “There is a budding morrow in midnight.” And every juncture, every relation, and every pressure of life has in it a germ of possibility and promise for our growth in God and grace; which germ to rear is the work of constant and progressive prayer. (For as a soul has a history, prayer has its progress.)
This germ we do not always see, nor can we tend it as if we did. It is often hidden up under the earthly relations, and may there be lost—our soul is lost. (It can be lost even through love.) But also it may from there be saved—and we escape from the fowler’s net. Its growth is often visible ouly to the Saviour whom we keep near by prayer, whose search we invoke, and for whose action we make room in prayer. Our certainty of Him is girt round with much uncertainty, about His working, about the steps of His process. But in prayer we become more and more sure that He is sure, and knows all things, and hesitates or falters never, and commands all things to His end. All along Christ is being darkly formed within us as we pray; and our converse with God goes on rising to become an element of the intercourse of the Father and the Son, whom we overhear, as it were, at converse in us. Yet this does not insulate us from our kind; for other people are then no more alien to us, but near in a Lord who is to them what He is to us. Private prayer may thus become more really common prayer than public prayer is.
Not to pray is not to discern—not to discern the things that really matter, and the powers that really rule. The mind may see acutely and clearly, but the personality perceives nothing subtle and mighty; and then it comforts and deludes itself by saying it is simple and not sophisticated; and it falls a victim to the Pharisaism of the plain man. The finer (and final) forces, being unfelt, are denied or decried. The eternal motives are misread, the spell of the Eternal disowned. The simplicity in due course becomes merely bald. And all because the natural powers are unschooled, unchastened, and unempowered by the energy of prayer; and yet they are turned, either, in one direction, to do Christian work, active but loveless, or, on the other, to discuss and renounce Christian truth. It is not always hard to tell among Christian men those whose thought is matured in prayer, whose theology there becomes a hymn, whose energy is disciplined there, whose work there becomes love poured out, as by many a Salvationist lass, and whose temper is there subdued to that illuminated humility in which a man truly finds his soul. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.” The deeper we go into things the more do we enter a world where the mastery and the career is not to talent but to prayer.

*sans gene = without embarrassment or constraint

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Prayer Trains Us in True Insight and Wisdom

[In prayer we find that we are:] Blessed, yet not always happy. For by prayer we are set tasks sometimes which (at first, at least) may add to life’s burden. Our eyes being opened, we see problems to which before we were blind, and we hear calls that no more let us alone. And I have said that we are shown ourselves at times in a way to dishearten us, and take effective dogmatism out of us. We lose effect on those people who take others at their own emphatic valuation, who do not try the spirits, and who have acquired no skill to discern the Lord in the apostle. True searching prayer is incompatible with spiritual dullness or self-complacency. And, therefore, such stupidity is not a mere defect, but a vice. It grew upon us because we did not court the searching light, nor haunt the vicinity of the great white Throne. We are chargeable with it because of our neglect of what cures it. 
Faith is a quickening spirit, it has insight; and religious density betrays its absence, being often the victim of the sermon instead of the alumnus of the gospel. It is not at all the effect of ignorance. Many ignorant people escape it by the exercise of themselves unto godliness; and they not only show wonderful spiritual acumen, but they turn it upon themselves; with a result, often, of great but vigilant humility, such as is apt to die out of an aggressive religion more eager to bring in a Kingdom coming than to trust a Kingdom come. They are self–sufficient in a godly sort, and can even carry others, in a way which reveals the action of a power in them beyond all natural and unschooled force. We can feel in them the discipline of the Spirit. We can read much habitual prayer between their lines. They have risen far above religion. They are in the Spirit, and live in a long Lord’s day. We know that they are not trying to serve Christ with the mere lustiness of natural religion, nor expecting to do the Spirit’s work with the force of native temperament turned pious. There are, even amongst the religious, people of a shrewd density or nimble dullness who judge heavenly things with an earthly mind. And, outside the religious, among those who are but interested in religion, there may be a certain gifted stupidity, a witty obtuseness; as among some writers who sans gêne* turn what they judge to be the spirit of the age upon the realities of Eternity, and believe that it dissolves them in spray. Whether we meet this type within the Church or without, we can mostly feel that it reveals the prayerless temper whatever the zeal or vivacity may be. 
Not to pray is not to discern—not to discern the things that really matter, and the powers that really rule. The mind may see acutely and clearly, but the personality perceives nothing subtle and mighty; and then it comforts and deludes itself by saying it is simple and not sophisticated; and it falls a victim to the Pharisaism of the plain man. The finer (and final) forces, being unfelt, are denied or decried. The eternal motives are misread, the spell of the Eternal disowned. The simplicity in due course becomes merely bald. And all because the natural powers are unschooled, unchastened, and unempowered by the energy of prayer; and yet they are turned, either, in one direction, to do Christian work, active but loveless, or, on the other, to discuss and renounce Christian truth. It is not always hard to tell among Christian men those whose thought is matured in prayer, whose theology there becomes a hymn, whose energy is disciplined there, whose work there becomes love poured out, as by many a Salvationist lass, and whose temper is there subdued to that illuminated humility in which a man truly finds his soul. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.” The deeper we go into things the more do we enter a world where the mastery and the career is not to talent but to prayer.

*sans gene = without embarrassment or constraint

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reality in Prayer

What is true religion? It is not the religion which contains most truth in the theological sense of the word. It is not the religion most truly thought out, nor that which most closely fits with thought. It is religion which comes to itself most powerfully in prayer. It is the religion in which the soul becomes very sure of God and itself in prayer. Prayer contains the very heart and height of math, but especially in the Christian sense of truth— reality and action. In prayer the inmost truth of our personal being locks with the inmost reality of things, its energy finds a living Person acting as their unity and life, and we escape the illusions of sense, self, and the world. Prayer, indeed, is the great means for appropriating, out of the amalgam of illusion which means so much for our education, the pure gold of God as He wills, the Spirit as He works, and things as they are. It is the great school both of proficiency and of veracity of soul. (How few court and attain proficiency of soul!) It may often cast us down, for we are reduced by this contact to our true dimensions—but to our great peace.
Prayer, true prayer, does not allow us to deceive ourselves. It relaxes the tension of our self-inflation. It produces a clearness of spiritual vision. Searching with a judgement that begins at the house of God, it ceases not to explore with His light our own soul. If the Lord is our health He may need to act on many men, or many moods, as a lowering medicine. At His coming our self-confidence is shaken. Our robust confidence, even in grace, is destroyed. The pillars of our house tremble, as if they were ivy-covered in a searching wind. Our lusty faith is refined, by what may be a painful process, into a subtler and more penetrating kind; and its outward effect is for the time impaired, though in the end it is increased. The effect of the prayer which admits God into the recesses of the soul is to destroy that spiritual density, not to say stupidity, which made our religion cheery or vigorous because it knew no better, and which was the condition of getting many obvious things done, and producing palpable effect on the order of the day. 
There are fervent prayers which, by making people feel good, may do no more than foster the delusion that natural vigour or robust religion, when flushed enough, can do the work of the kingdom of God. There is a certain egoist self-confidence which is increased by the more elementary forms of religion, which upholds us in much of our contact with men, and which even secures us an influence with them. But the influence is one of impression rather than permeation, it overbears rather than converts, and it inflames rather than inspires. This is a force which true and close prayer is very apt to undermine, because it saps our self-deception and its Pharisaism. The confidence was due to a lack of spiritual insight which serious prayer plentifully repairs. So by prayer we acquire our true selves. If my prayer is not answered, I am. If my petition is not fulfilled, my person, my soul, is; as the artist comes to himself and his happiness in the exercise of the talent he was made for, in spite of the delay and difficulty of turning his work to money. If the genius is happy who gets scope, the soul is blessed that truly comes to itself in prayer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Prayer Is Active Participation in the Life and Works of God

In God’s eyes the great object of prayer is the opening or restoring of free communion with Himself in a kingdom of Christ, a life communion which may even, amid our duty and service, become as unconscious as the beating of our heart. In this sense every true prayer brings its answer with it; and that not “reflexly” only, in our pacification of soul, but objectively in our obtaining a deeper and closer place in God and His purpose. If prayer is God’s great gift, it is one inseparable from the giver; who, after all, is His own great gift, since revelation is His Self-donation. He is actively with us, therefore, as we pray, and we exert His will in praying. And, on the other hand, prayer makes us to realize how far from God we were, i.e. it makes us realize our worst trouble and repair it. The outer need kindles the sense of the inner, and we find that the complete answer to prayer is the Answerer, and the hungry soul comes to itself in the fullness of Christ.

Prayer is the highest use to which speech can be put. It is the highest meaning that can be put into words. Indeed, it breaks through language and escapes into action. We could never be told of what passed in Christ’s mountain midnights. Words fail us in prayer oftener than anywhere else; and the Spirit must come in aid of our infirmity, set out our case to God, and give to us an unspoken freedom in prayer, the possession of our central soul, the reality of our inmost personality in organic contact with His. We are taken up from human speech to the region of the divine Word, where Word is deed. We are integrated into the divine consciousness, and into the dual soliloquy of Father and Son, which is the divine give and take that upholds the world. We discover how poor a use of words it is to work them into argument and pursue their dialectic consequences. There is a deeper movement of speech than that, and a more inward mystery, wherein the Word does not spread out to wisdom, nor broods in dream, but gathers to power and condenses to action. The Word becomes Flesh, Soul, Life, the active conquering kingdom of God.
Prayer, as it is spoken, follows the principle of the Incarnation with its twofold movement, down and up. It is spirit not in expression only, but in deed and victory. It is speech become not only movement, but moral action and achievement; it is word become work; as the Word from being Spirit became flesh, as Christ from prophet became priest, and then Holy Spirit. It is the principle of the Incarnation, only with the descending movement reversed. “Ye are gods.” God became man in His Son’s outgoing that man might become divine; and prayer is in the train of the Son’s return to the Father, a function of the Ascension and Exaltation, in which (if we may not say man becomes God) we are made partakers of the divine nature, not ontologically, but practically, experimentally. It is the true response, and tribute, and trophy to Christ’s humiliation. Man rises to be a co-worker with God in the highest sense. For it is only by action, it is not by dream or rapture, far less in essence, that we enter communion with an active being—above all with the eternal Act of God in Christ that upholds the world. As such communion prayer is no mere rapport, no mere contact. It is the central act of the soul, organic with Christ’s; it is that which brings it into tone with the whole universe as God’s act, and answers the beating of its central heart. It is a part and function of the creative, preservative, and consummatory energy of the world.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prayer In Real Troubles May Bring Us Closer To God Than Spiritual Desires

A chief object of all prayer is to bring us to God. But we may attain His presence and come closer to Him by the way we ask Him for other things, concrete things or things of the Kingdom, than by direct prayer for union with Him.
The prayer for deliverance from personal trouble or national calamity may bring us nearer Him than mere devout aspiration to be lost in Him. The poor woman’s prayer to find her lost sovereign may mean more than the prayer of many a cloister. Such distress is often meant by God as the initial means and exercise to His constant end of reunion with Him. His patience is so long and kind that He is willing to begin with us when we are no farther on than to use Him as a means of escape or relief. The holy Father can turn to His own account at last even the exploiting egoism of youth. And He gives us some answer, though the relief does not come, if He keeps us praying, and ever more instant and purified in prayer. Prayer is never rejected so long as we do not cease to pray. The chief failure of prayer is its cessation. Our importunity is a part of God’s answer, both of His answer to us and ours to Him. He is sublimating our idea of prayer, and realizing the final purpose in all trouble of driving us farther in on Himself.

A homely image has been used. The joiner, when he glues together two boards, keeps them tightly clamped rill the cement sets, and the outward pressure is no more needed; then he unscrews. So with the calamities, depressions, and disappointments that crush us into close contact with God. The pressure on us is kept up till the soul’s union with God is set. Instant relief would not establish the habit of prayer, though it might make us believe in it with a promptitude too shallow to last or to make it the principle of our soul’s life at any depth. A faith which is based chiefly on impetration might become more of a faith in prayer than a faith in God. If we got all we asked for we should soon come to treat Him as a convenience, or the request as a magic. The reason of much bewilderment about prayer is that we are less occupied about faith in God than about faith in prayer. In a like way we are misled about the question of immortality because we become more occupied with the soul than with God, and with its endless duration more than its eternal life, asking if we shall be in eternity more than eternity in us.

*impetration: obtaining by petition or entreaty

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Prayer The Goal of Christian Life, Not Only The Means of It

Prayer is turning our will on God either in the way of resignation or of impetration.* We yield to His Will or He to ours. Hence religion is above all things prayer, according as it is a religion of will and conscience, as it is an ethical religion. It is will and Will. To be religious is to pray. Bad prayer is false religion. Not to pray is to be irreligious. “The battle for religion is the battle for prayer; the theory of religion is the philosophy of prayer.” In prayer we do not think out God; we draw Him out. Prayer is where our thought of God passes into action, and becomes more certain than thought. In all thought which is not mere dreaming or brooding there is an element of will; and in earnest (which is intelligent) prayer we give this element the upper hand. We do not simply spread our thought out before God, but we offer it to Him, turn it on Him, bring it to bear on Him, press it on Him. This is our great and first sacrifice, and it becomes pressure on God. We can offer God nothing so great and effective as our obedient acceptance of the mind and purpose and work of Christ. It is not easy. It is harder than any idealism. But then it is very mighty. And it is a power that grows by exercise. At first it groans, at last it glides. And it comes to this, that, as there are thoughts that seem to think themselves in us, so there are prayers that pray themselves in us. And, as those are the best thoughts, these are the best prayers. For it is the Christ at prayer who lives in us, and we are conduits of the Eternal Intercession.
Prayer is often represented as the great means of the Christian life. But it is no mere means, it is the great end of that Life. It is, of course, not untrue to call it a means. It is so, especially at first. But at last it is truer to say that we live the Christian life in order to pray than that we pray in order to live the Christian life. It is at least as true. Our prayer prepares for our work and sacrifice, but all our work and sacrifice still more prepare for prayer. And we are, perhaps, oftener wrong in our work, or even our sacrifice, than we are in our prayer—and that for want of its guidance. But to reach this height, to make of prayer our great end, and to order life always in view of such a solemnity, in this sense to pray without ceasing and without pedantry—it is a slow matter. We cannot move fast to such a fine product of piety and feeling. It is a growth in grace. And the whole history of the world shows that nothing grows so slowly as grace, nothing costs as much as free grace; a fact which drives us to all kinds of apologies to explain what seems the absence of God from His world, and especially from His world of souls. If God, to our grief; seems to us far absent from history, how does He view the distance, the absence, of history from Him?

*impetration: obtaining by petition or entreaty

Friday, September 17, 2010

Prayer Begins With God Approaching Us, Not Us Him

When we begin to pray we may catch and surprise ourselves in a position like this. We feel to be facing God from a position of independence. If He start from His end we do from ours. We are His vis-á-vis; He is ours. He is an object so far as we are concerned; and we are the like to Him. Of course, He is an object of worship. We do not start on equal terms, march up to Him, as it were, and put our case. We do more than approach Him erect, with courteous self-respect shining through our poverty. We bow down to Him. We worship. But still it is a voluntary, an independent, submission and tribute, so to say. It is a reverence which we make and offer. We present something which is ours to give. If we ask Him to give we feel that we begin the giving in our worship. We are outside each other; and we call, and He graciously comes.
But this is not the Christian idea, it is only a crude stage of it (if the New Testament is to guide us). We are there taught that only those things are perfected in God which He begins, that we seek only because He found, we beseech Him because He first besought us (2 Cor. v. 20). If our prayer reach or move Him it is because He first reached and moved us to pray. The prayer that reached heaven began there, when Christ went forth. It began when God turned to beseech us in Christ—in the appealing Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. The Spirit went out with the power and function in it to return with our soul. Our prayer is the answer to God’s. Herein is prayer, not that we prayed Him, but that He first prayed us, in giving His Son to be a propitiation for us. The heart of the Atonement is prayer— Christ’s great self-offering to God in the Eternal Spirit. The whole rhythm of Christ’s soul, so to say, was Godhead going out and returning on itself. And so God stirs and inspires all prayer which finds and moves Him. His love provokes our sacred forwardness. He does not compel us, but we cannot help it after that look, that tone, that turn of His. All say, “I am yours if you will”; and when we will it is prayer. Any final glory of human success or destiny rises from man being God’s continual creation, and destined by Him for Him. So we pray because we were made for prayer, and God draws us out by breathing Himself in.
We feel this especially as prayer passes upwards into praise. When the mercy we besought comes home to us its movement is reversed in us, and it returns upon itself as thanksgiving. “Great blessings which are won with prayer are worn with thankfulness.” Praise is the converted consecration of the egoism that may have moved our prayer. Prayer may spring from self- love, and be so far natural; for nature is all of the craving and taking kind. But praise is supernatural. It is of pure grace. And it is a sign that the prayer was more than natural at heart. Spare some leisure, therefore, from petition for thanksgiving. If the Spirit move conspicuously to praise, it shows that He also moved latently the prayer, and that within nature is that which is above it. “Prayer and thanks are like the double motion of the lungs; the air that is drawn in by prayer is breathed forth again by thanks.”

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Prayer Itself a Gift of God, Not Only Prayer's Answer

We are so egotistically engrossed about God’s giving of the answer that we forget His gift of the prayer itself. But it is not a question simply of willing to pray, but of accepting and using as God’s will the gift and the power to pray. In every act of prayer we have already begun to do God’s will, for which above all things we pray. The prayer within all prayer is “Thy will be done.” And has that petition not a special significance here? “My prayer is Thy Will. Thou didst create it in me. It is Thine more than mine. Perfect Thine own will”—all that is the paraphrase, from this viewpoint, of “Hear my prayer.” “The will to pray,” we say, “is Thy will. Let that be done both in my petition and in Thy perfecting of it.” The petition is half God’s will. It is God’s will inchoate. “Thy will” (in my prayer) “be done (in Thy answer). It is Thine both to will and to do. Thy will be done in heaven—in the answer, as it is done upon earth—in the asking.”

Prayer has its great end when it lifts us to be more conscious and more sure of the gift than the need, of the grace than the sin. As petition rises out of need or sin, in our first prayer it comes first; but it may fall into a subordinate place when, at the end and height of our worship, we are filled with the fullness of God. “In that day ye shall ask Me nothing.” Inward sorrow is fulfilled in the prayer of peti-ion; inward joy in the prayer of thanksgiving. And this thought helps to deal with the question as to the hearing of prayer, and especially its answer. Or rather as to the place and kind of answer. We shall come one day to a heaven where we shall gratefully know that God’s great refusals were sometimes the true answers to our truest prayer. Our soul is fulfilled if our petition is not.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Work of Prayer

Prayer brings with it, as food does, a new sense of power and health. We are driven to it by hunger, and, having eaten, we are refreshed and strengthened for the battle which even our physical life involves. For heart and flesh cry out for the living God. God’s gift is free; it is, therefore, a gift to our freedom, i.e. renewal to our moral strength, to what makes men of us. Without this gift always renewed, our very freedom can enslave us. The life of every organism is but the constant victory of a higher energy, constantly fed, over lower and more elementary forces. Prayer is the assimilation of a holy God’s moral strength.

We must work for this living. To feed the soul we must toil at prayer. And what a labour it is! “He prayed in an agony.” We must pray even to tears if need be. Our cooperation with God is our receptivity; but it is an active, a laborious receptivity, an importunity that drains our strength away if it do not tap the sources of the Strength Eternal. We work, we slave, at receiving. To him that hath this laborious expectancy it shall be given. Prayer is the powerful appropriation of power, of divine power. It is therefore creative. Prayer is not mere wishing. It is asking with a will. Our will goes into it. It is energy. Orare est laborare.* We turn to an active Giver; therefore we go into action. For we could not pray without knowing and meeting Him in kind. If God has a controversy with Israel, Israel must wrestle with God. Moreover, He is the Giver not only of the answer, but first of the prayer itself. His gift provokes ours. He beseeches us, which makes us beseech Him. And what we ask for chiefly is the power to ask more and to ask better. We pray for more prayer. The true “gift of prayer” is God’s grace before it is our facility.

Thus prayer is, for us, paradoxically, both a gift and a conquest, a grace and a duty. But does that not mean, is it not a special case of the truth, that all duty is a gift, every call on us a blessing, and that the task we often find a burden is really a boon? When we look up from under it it is a load, but those who look down to it from God’s side see it as a blessing. It is like great wings—they increase the weight but also the flight. If we have no duty to do God has shut Himself up from us. To be denied duty is to be denied God. No cross no Christ. “When pain ends gain ends too.”
(*Latin for "To pray is to work.")

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Prayer to God Opens Us to Our Brothers and Sisters

It is a difficult and even formidable thing to write on prayer, and one fears to touch the Ark. Perhaps no one ought to undertake it unless he has spent more toil in the practice of prayer than on its principle. But perhaps also the effort to look into its principle may be graciously regarded by Him who ever liveth to make intercession as itself a prayer to know better how to pray. All progress in prayer is an answer to prayer—our own or another’s. And all true prayer promotes its own progress and increases our power to pray.

The worst sin is prayerlessness. Overt sin, or crime, or the glaring inconsistencies which often surprise us in Christian people are the effect of this, or its punishment. We are left by God for lack of seeking Him. The history of the saints shows often that their lapses were the fruit and nemesis of slackness or neglect in prayer. Their life, at seasons, also tended to become inhuman by their spiritual solitude. They left men, and were left by men, because they did not in their contemplation find God; they found but the thought or the atmosphere of God. Only living prayer keeps loneliness humane. It is the great producer of sympathy. Trusting the God of Christ, and transacting with Him, we come into tone with men. Our egoism retires before the coming of God, and into the clearance there comes with our Father our brother. We realize man as he is in God and for God, his Lover. When God fills our heart He makes more room for man than the humanist heart can find. Prayer is an act, indeed the act, of fellowship. We cannot truly pray even for ourselves without passing beyond ourselves and our individual experience. If we should begin with these the nature of prayer carries us beyond them, both to God and to man. Even private prayer is common prayer the more so, possibly, as it retires from being public prayer.

Not to want to pray, then, is the sin behind sin. And it ends in not being able to pray. That is its punishment spiritual dumbness, or at least aphasia, and starvation. We do not take our spiritual food, and so we falter, dwindle, and die. “In the sweat of your brow ye shall eat your bread.” That has been said to be true both of physical and spiritual labour. It is true both of the life of bread and of the bread of life.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Nature of Power and Witness

Sometimes—and particularly when we use the language of battle—we might think, erroneously, that to have power to witness and to do battle our power must be supernatural. We might think that our warfare is almost a physical one, a kind of quasi-military operation. How wrong is such an idea! Paul once made it very clear that the weapons of our warfare are not worldly or carnal, but are spiritual and mighty to the pulling down of many strongholds of evil (II Corinthians 10:4). Jesus said that they who take the sword shall perish by the sword (Matthew 26:52), a thought repeated in Revelation 13:10.

What, then, are these spiritual weapons and how shall we fight? Looked at from one point of view, these spiritual weapons are frail and ineffective, for Paul lines them up with such things as faith, hope, love, truth, salvation and the like. Testimony to the truth of Christ and the gospel can only be given using these spiritual weapons. Such things the natural man does not even recognise until the Spirit invades him with the truth. Love becomes to him a brilliant revelation of the nature of God and the power for the redemption of Man. God forgives the sinner, justifies the ungodly, purifies the polluted heart, relieves the conscience of heavy guilt, reconstitutes the idolater, makes holy the evil heart and mind, and reveals God the Father truly as love. The gospel then is the power of God unto salvation. The word of the cross saves the perishing, and the love of God is poured into the hearts of the hateful.

None of these things could happen unless the Spirit of truth and love reveals these to human beings. His power is that He is the Spirit of truth, of love, of sonship, of holiness and of life. His presence in the ekklesia is what keeps it in love, unity and fellowship. The pictures of the company of believers in the chapters of Acts are so heart-warming. The testimony of history in times of persecution and suppression of Christians is beyond the natural actions of humanity. It can only be of God. This is how we know the reality and power of witness by the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. What commenced in the new company of believers on the day of Pentecost has gone on in this age of the Spirit.

We ought not to idealise the community of Christ, nor make heady claims of extraordinary success. Christians are not paragons of virtue, moral beyond all reproach and perfect above others. Sadly enough, the history of Christianity is stained with terrible deeds claimed to have been in the name of Christ and for the advancement of the human race. We question whether many of these deeds came out of the true people of God, for we know so often that the community has been in the hands of wicked men. And at times dreadful evil has happened and cruelty executed. Wars cannot be justified. And yet some have been fought by Christians over unjustifiable causes. At the same time such things cannot be excused. The Church has known apostasy and has betrayed its Lord. Yet, given all this to have been part of its history, the Church has come to see and acknowledge these failures and to give renewed witness to the Lordship of Christ and the glory of the age to come, and the holy triumphs of the telos. This is the true community of eternal life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What's on this week? (September 6-12, 2010)

Sorry that the blog has been out of action for a little while. It's good to be back.
A couple of special events this week to let you know about, as well as the regular weekly programme.

On Monday September 6th, 9.30am to 11.30am, Andrew Klynsmith will be leading the Ministry Study, looking at receiving the forgiveness of sins through repentance and faith. The study is a blend of teaching and discussion, and includes morning tea. Martin Bleby prepared the study; Andrew is reading it for him, as Martin is New South Wales for a couple of Spring Schools.

And that is the second special notice. This coming weekend, Friday, September 10th and Saturday September 11th,  is the Spring School at Wamberal. Please see this brochure for more details.

The regular weekly classes this week:

Mondays@Christies Beach Baptist Church 7.30-9.30pm:

Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby
Called of God Grant Thorpe
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach
Keith Chessell-The Story of God: The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell
  • 7.30pm Monday–Mount Barker;
  • 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
  • 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Cornerstone College, 68 Adelaide Road, Mount Barker
Victor Harbor High School, George Main Road, Victor Harbor;
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham

Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3),7.30-9.30pm:

The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Wednesdays@North-Western Community Church,7.30-9.30pm:
A Story of Fire Bryce Clark
Positive effects of the power of God in the lives and communities of Aboriginal Christians in Australia, as the Holy Spirit moves with the fire of the gospel.
Northwestern Community Church, 193 Port Rd, Queenstown

Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am

Nine Prophets John Calvert
God and Prayer Martin Bleby
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The programme for term 3

Mondays@Christies Beach Baptist Church 7.30-9.30pm:
Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby (cont'd)In this treatment we see the Acts of the Apostles as a crucial stage in the whole purpose and action of God. We are still in the unfolding of this action!

Called By God Grant Thorpe
God changes everything for sinners by setting His love on them and calling them to Himself and into his gracious purpose. This calling and election is a problem to the human mind, but when someone turns to Jesus Christ and sees that he has been given up to death for their sins, they know God’s will, not just in general, but for themselves in particular. Their life is then directed from eternity and to eternity and can be lived with wonderful certainty.
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach

Keith Chessell-The Story of God: 

The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell (cont'd)Salvation history—the unique story of human life with God, the Creator, Redeemer and eternal heavenly Father, who in Jesus Christ has fulfilled all that He purposed and promised.
  • 7.30pm Monday–Mt Barker;
  • 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
  • 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Mount Barker: Cornerstone College, 68 Adelaide Road, Mount Barker;
Victor Harbor High School, George Main Road, Victor Harbor;
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham

Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3), 7.30-9.30pm:
The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker (cont'd)
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.

New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Wednesdays@NorthWestern Community Church, 7.30-9.30pm:
A Story of Fire Bryce Clark
Positive effects of the power of God in the lives and communities of Aboriginal Christians in Australia, as the Holy Spirit moves with the fire of the gospel.

Northwestern Community Church, 193 Port Rd, Queenstown

Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am
Nine Prophets John Calvert
Beginning from Deuteronomy 18, nine of the lesser known and better known prophets of the Old Testament will be examined, as speakers of God’s word to their own times, and to ours.

God and Prayer Martin Bleby (con'td)
Can we say that God has called human creatures to be, through prayer, nothing less than God’s fellow-workers in all that God is doing? Where must we be, and what must we know, to be able to pray in this way?

New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What's on this week? (July 5-11, 2010)

Thank you to all who prayed for us over the past week, in the lead-up to a special meeting of the NCTM Council held last Friday night. We will let you know the outcome of that special meeting in the near future, after some preliminary actions are taken.

We have had a very good term, and now there is a break over the time of school holidays. The sessions from the various classes will be available on Sermonaudio before too long. You can always check out the New Creation page at Sermonaudio by clicking on the button at the top of this page.

Beginning July 19th, the annual Ministry School—this year's theme is Shepherds After God's Own Heart—will be held. Please contact NCTM or visit our webpage for more information. Please book in soon for meals if you are wanting them.

On Monday July 5th, 9.30am to 11.30am, Martin Bleby will be taking the July Ministry Study, looking at the resurrection and the forgiveness of sins. The study is a blend of teaching and discussion, and includes morning tea. 

The regular weekly classes recommence on July 26th, the week after Ministry School.

Blessings to you all.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What's on this week? (June 28–July 2, 2010)

Could you please keep in your prayers a special meeting of the NCTM Council on Friday night, where decisions will be made regarding various aspects of future directions for our ministry?

After a very good term, this is the final week for the classes before a three-week break. The various classes have been recorded and will be placed on SermonAudio in the next few weeks. You can find the NCTM SermonAudio site by clicking on the button at the top of this page.

Beginning July 26, the annual Ministry School—this year's theme is Shepherds After God's Own Heart—will be held. Please contact NCTM or visit our webpage for more information

The regular weekly classes this week: 

Mondays@Christies Beach Baptist Church 7.30-9.30pm:

Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby
Marriage Martin Bleby
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach
Keith Chessell-The Story of God: The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell
  • 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
  • 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Victor Harbor High School, George Main Road, Victor Harbor;
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham

Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3),7.30-9.30pm:

The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East
Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am

Creation and the Liberating Glory Trevor Faggotter
God and Prayer Martin Bleby
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Holy Word

Had He not spoken
(The Word, the word)
Then I had not known
God of the Word.
Had He not spoken
Creation were not,
And I, and all things.
Sometimes in the maze
Of men’s brilliant words
I feel alone like a crow
On a barren desert,
A cryless pitch
Of sterile nothingness.
I hear the word, read,
See them in their lines,
Am damned and doubted
About all things.
Despair plucks at my mind,
Baffled I am
By such brilliance.
Still starves the heart within,
Still wanders the aching mind,
Where the flighting thought
Flashes like cracked lightning
On the dark covered reaches
Of my puny comprehension.
That is when the heart cries,
The spirit panting
Lifts hapless, helpless wings,
Longing for the flight
That befits true spirit.
The word of man shrivels
Like parched peas
On massive seared granite.
Not so the true Word.
It is refreshing rain
On the arid reaches,
Warm sun on the shivered prairies
And bleak uplands. It breaks
In rhythmic joy, filling
The hungered, quenching the dry,
Bringing rivulets of sheer refreshment.
How can God speak—
However He may speak—
And the delight not come? True, the fear
May well precede delight,
But the truth liberates,
Setting free the bound mind,
The awkward phrase,
And breaks the chains
Of human hermeneutic,
Mind’s priestcraft
And denial of the living Logos.

From All Things of the Spirit, by Geoffrey C. Bingham, pp. 5-6.

Monday, June 21, 2010

If You By The Spirit...

This point we did not follow fully enough—that is, that it was and is the living power of the Spirit which breaks the power of the flesh in the life of the believer. We saw that ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ was strong enough to break the power of ‘the law of sin and death’ in bringing forensic justification. We also saw that the fulfilling of the dikaioma (="righteous requirements") of the law was by the power of the Spirit working in us and not by us using the Spirit instrumentally. To walk in the Spirit and to be led by the Spirit is what is required of us—nothing more. 
What, then, do we make of Romans 8:12—13? Its text is: ‘So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh—for if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the   Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live’.

Because of the work of the cross and resurrection, Man is not indebted to live according to the flesh. He is finished with that regime (cf. Galatians 5:24), which was always linked with rebellion against the law. I like to think that Paul was about to begin a complementary parenthesis at the end of Romans 8:12, and it would have gone something like this, ‘but you are debtors to the Spirit to live after the Spirit’. To live in the flesh (cf. Romans 8:6) means death—but then, ‘if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live’. The ‘deeds of the body’ here may not be concupiscent—that is, ‘the works of the flesh’ but be on the verge of becoming such. We speak of right desires of the body in eating, drinking, and similar actions that are legitimate. The subject of putting these deeds to death lest they become lusts is the person. But he takes actions not ‘of himself but ‘of the Spirit’. The next verse says, ‘For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God’, and shows that the subject behind the subject is the Holy Spirit. In other words, the Spirit leads Man into being dependent upon the Spirit. This accords with all that is said about ‘fulfillment’ in regard to Romans 8:4.
My idea in taking up this point is to show that Man is not incapable of opposing the flesh, and of putting it to death in action as well as in intention. It means Man is not subject at all to the flesh, but has been released to be victor over it. This means a lot regarding ethical power in the life of the believer by the Spirit. Again, as in our former point of obedience—that is, the law being fulfilled in us—Christ took no unilateral action in life. He only did what the Father told Him (John 5:17—30; 8:28; 12:49; 14:10). And, in- deed, the Father who dwelled in Him did the works. This can only be understood on the basis of John 10:38—that the Son was in the Father and the Father was in the Son. Of course, the Father-Son and Son-Father relationship is the key to all obedience. It was this relationship that Adam should have followed!

from "God and Man in the Mission of the Kingdom", by Geoffrey C. Bingham, Redeemer Baptist Press: North Parramatta, 2003, pp.238-239

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's on this week? (June 21–25, 2010)

The regular weekly classes continue this week: 

Mondays@Christies Beach Baptist Church 7.30-9.30pm:

Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby
Marriage Martin Bleby
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach
Keith Chessell-The Story of God: The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell
  • 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
  • 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Victor Harbor High School, George Main Road, Victor Harbor;
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham

Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3),7.30-9.30pm:

The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East
Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am

Creation and the Liberating Glory Trevor Faggotter
God and Prayer Martin Bleby
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where, Then, Is The Sting?

Oh death! Where is thy sting? 
Dread venom of lowest hell,
Brewed in the bitterness of hatred,
Where is thy sting,
Distilled from violence of rebellion,
Compounded of saddest separation?
This is death’s sting, and yet
Where, oh where, death, is thy sting?
Where does the sting incise,
Where pour out its poison,
Ghastly, grisly, doom-dealing, deadly?
In it the shame and pain of
Fruitless remorse, dull anguish,
Dry tongue cleaving, tears destroyed
In lethal cynicism, passion against God,
Rustlings of memories bringing horror,
And the incoming, ravaging darkness—
This is death’s sting.
Yet where, oh death, is thy sting?
How then the irrevocable loss
Of the holy, heavenly being—
Man brilliantly lit by God,
Pulsing in glory? How, where, is this loss?
Down in the mocking strata of death,
The leering, gaping grin of the grave,
The stench of corruption, glory-failure
And no-being in God. This is the sting.  
Yet, oh death, where, where is thy sting?
The sting is in him. Look up
(All ye that pass by). Look and see.
Do not let the divine drama pass over you,
Be over you, be gone. Look up!
 There, writhing with the sting. Oh yes,
Human enough to suffer and divine
Enough to bear. Look up and see,
All ye who pass by. See where death’s sting 
Was and is no more.
If a man stay and look, he will see.
If he pass by, then in a moment
He will pass by love, and will never see.
He will miss the miracle
Hid in the grim gallows. He will bypass
Love reaching out with cool arms
To embrace the sin-fevered.
He will pass by, not knowing
Where the sting has gone.  
Where is death’s sting? In him:
Annulled and made void: nothing.
Its poison absorbed, destroyed.
Death tried to conquer. This it could not.
This sting in man is death, fiery,
Anguish and flame of hell,
But in him—after the suffering—
Exploded myth of destruction.
In him the fire of death
Blazed to expending, and expended.
Then death, where is your sting?
Ask not, ‘Where is the deathly sting?’
For it is destroyed, absorbed into nothingness
By love’s holy power. Now
It is only life, life flowing,
Life in quality replete, surging up
Out of the empty tomb. Christ’s grave,
Empty through grace, is the wide room
Of man’s new spirit. Man is in life.
Man is enthroned in the heavens,
Having entered into his glory
Through man’s suffering. Man is high.
Gone then is death’s sting. 
Void in the victory—the ancient 
Annulled victory of the grave. 
Oh, death, where is thy sting?

From The Spirit of All Things, by Geoffrey Bingham, pp.90-92

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Goal Is Holiness

We know from the Bible that it is God’s will for Christians to live godly lives. He desires that we live in a way that is Christlike— reflecting his character and bringing honour to him. To this end God has given us the wonderful gift of his Holy Spirit, and he expects us to be aiming towards holy living each day:
Finally, brothers and sisters, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus that, as you learned from us how you ought to live and to please God (as, in fact, you are doing), you should do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication . . . For God did not call us to impurity but in holiness. Therefore whoever rejects this rejects not human authority but God, who also gives his Holy Spirit to you (1 Thess. 4:1–3, 7– 8).
The Bible is very explicit in telling us just how holiness, godliness and Christlikeness are to be cultivated in the Christian life. Of course, it is primarily the work of the Holy Spirit. However, it is not an activity done ‘over the top of us’ or independently of our direct and deliberate participation. The will is deeply involved, and therefore self-discipline and self-control are fundamental to our spiritual growth.
Paul tells young Timothy that he must discipline himself towards godliness: ‘Train yourself in godliness’ (1 Tim. 4:7). He urges Timothy to be self-oriented towards godly living. Clearly, godliness does not just happen in the life of a Christian. God does not come and ‘zap’ us the moment we are converted. It is not automatic, nor does it come about by some sort of natural progression.
Godliness comes in the Christian life first and foremost as a result of our new relationship with the Father through Christ and his forgiveness. We are accounted holy and righteous by God because of the death and resurrection of his Son. As we have come to faith in Christ, so we have been united to him. We have come to participate in his holiness. We share his righteousness. We are declared to be all that he is in the eyes of the Father. We are ‘in Christ’.
But day-to-day holy living is another matter. It is to flow out of what we already are in Christ, and, among other things, comes in conjunction with self-discipline. Day-to-day godliness comes as a result of being obedient. Godliness comes as we exercise our wills to do and to be what God instructs us to do and be, now that we belong to him and are in Christ. Godliness results from consistent effort and perseverance and endurance. In other words, it is the result of persistent self-discipline, according to the promises, exhortations and teaching of Scripture. 
This is not to say that disciplined living is to be equated with holy living. It would be a gross error to think that discipline could ever be a substitute for holiness. The fact is, it’s possible for a person to be very disciplined but without having God or holiness as their object. Paul instructed Timothy to be disciplined, specifically with a view to godliness. So, then, self-discipline is but one of the many important and valuable tools by which God enables us to grow in maturity and become more and more like Christ.