Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby (cont'd)In this treatment we see the Acts of the Apostles as a crucial stage in the whole purpose and action of God. We are still in the unfolding of this action!
Called By God Grant Thorpe
God changes everything for sinners by setting His love on them and calling them to Himself and into his gracious purpose. This calling and election is a problem to the human mind, but when someone turns to Jesus Christ and sees that he has been given up to death for their sins, they know God’s will, not just in general, but for themselves in particular. Their life is then directed from eternity and to eternity and can be lived with wonderful certainty.
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach
Keith Chessell-The Story of God:
The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell (cont'd)Salvation history—the unique story of human life with God, the Creator, Redeemer and eternal heavenly Father, who in Jesus Christ has fulfilled all that He purposed and promised.
- 7.30pm Monday–Mt Barker;
- 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
- 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Victor Harbor High School, George Main Road, Victor Harbor;
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham
Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3), 7.30-9.30pm:
The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker (cont'd)
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East
Wednesdays@NorthWestern Community Church, 7.30-9.30pm:
A Story of Fire Bryce Clark
Positive effects of the power of God in the lives and communities of Aboriginal Christians in Australia, as the Holy Spirit moves with the fire of the gospel.
Northwestern Community Church, 193 Port Rd, Queenstown
Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am
Nine Prophets John Calvert
Beginning from Deuteronomy 18, nine of the lesser known and better known prophets of the Old Testament will be examined, as speakers of God’s word to their own times, and to ours.
God and Prayer Martin Bleby (con'td)
Can we say that God has called human creatures to be, through prayer, nothing less than God’s fellow-workers in all that God is doing? Where must we be, and what must we know, to be able to pray in this way?
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East