After a very good term, this is the final week for the classes before a three-week break. The various classes have been recorded and will be placed on SermonAudio in the next few weeks. You can find the NCTM SermonAudio site by clicking on the button at the top of this page.
Beginning July 26, the annual Ministry School—this year's theme is Shepherds After God's Own Heart—will be held. Please contact NCTM or visit our webpage for more information.
The regular weekly classes this week:
Mondays@Christies Beach Baptist Church 7.30-9.30pm:
Acts of the Apostles Martin Bleby
Marriage Martin Bleby
Christies Beach Baptist Church, Fowey St, Christies Beach
Keith Chessell-The Story of God: The Story of God (New Testament) Keith Chessell
- 7.15pm Tuesday–Victor Harbor;
- 7.30pm Wednesday–Mitcham.
Mitcham Baptist Church, 20 Albert St, Mitcham
Tuesdays@NCTM (6.45pm tea, $3),7.30-9.30pm:
The Story of Salvation Andrew Klynsmith and Hank Schoemaker
An interactive overview of the whole Bible, helping to supply a reliable framework for faith in God, especially for younger believers and enquirers.
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East
Thursdays@NCTM 9.30-11.30am
Creation and the Liberating Glory Trevor Faggotter
God and Prayer Martin Bleby
New Creation Teaching Centre, 936 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East