Lord, You are my love,
You alone I love, and all my loves
Are in the loving of You. Yet You
Came first in your love; In Your
Mysterious predestining, fixing my life,
Planning my destiny before the world began.
You are my love and when I wake—
Time and again in the many nights—
There is sometimes the faint line of dread,
Sometimes the inner terror of the Holy One,
And I fear lest I have offended You.
Then Your love comes—reassuring—
And in Your word, and on my knees,
And in the secret places
Of my secret heart, there is a tryst—
A man and God affair
Of love inexpressible. I weep
And seem to hear You too,
Not weeping as I, but with me, for me,
And the pain becomes a precious pain,
A rich suffering in joy,
And I am one with You.
Oh Triune Lover, persistent One
Who never leaves me night and day
But moves within my dreams, and lives within
My daily awakenings, hear of my love.
More than faint intimations
Are the visitations and the ‘never-leavings’
That I have known these years of all my life.
Sometimes my thoughts of leaving You grow strong
And with the thought bewilderment fast grows,
And, like the Psalmist, in my heart I cry,
‘Whither, Lord, shall I go from Thy presence?
Thou art not only the Eternal One
Being the Everywhere I’d go, but of Thee
And from Thee, I am what Thou have made me.
Separation intolerable
My inner spirit dreads.
Such loneliness apart from Thee
Is more than Hell itself, yet Hell’s substance
That void the rebellious know’.
Why in this night—this early morn—
Do I speak to You, speak thus?
Why does this moan escape my lips?
Why does my heart complain
When all You’ve ever shown
Is holy love to me? Ah, yes,
The rub lies there, the hurt, the pain,
That You are holy, You are pure,
And I am not. Strange truth and fact
That though You holy be and I am not
Your love enwraps my soul and spirit
Like a protecting mantle, a healing cloak
That cleanses as it loves, loves as it purifies
And makes me one with You,
Your inner heart to mine and mine to You.
This is the mystery—the pained alternation
Of love and fear, of fear and love—
The mystery that’s my life
From when conceived until this now
And ‘til the death that’s life
Releases me from pain and joy
Of the present mingling.
The present mingling is the grace
And love that I and God are one.
This is the dread that comes to me—the commingling
Of human flesh and Your dread Deity
Catching me up to all eternity
In a resistless love. Why then
Do I moan in the deep night
At the painful delight of present union,
Future joy and ecstasy—not Dionysian but pure
As love makes serene for ever?
Why should my heart complain
Except its shame should make me long
For the Then to be Now—the Then I dread
As now I dread, and yet adore?
Ah Lord! I love You deep,
Deeper than all my secret heart,
Deeper than Heaven and Hell themselves.
Your love once captured me
Even before I saw the Tree:
But all the time the Tree was there
With You, in You, for me, for them.
One word from You is spoken not
But in the Cross, and by the Cross,
And through the Cross, and from its self
Till Christ in all his love—
And Spirit-love along—
Ushers my trembling heart to You
Till all Your Fatherhood Embraces me for ever.
Dear Lord there’s no complaint,
Only the plaint gentle, the tender plea
That I may tell with power You give,
The everlasting love—the mercy full—
That lifts to love’s most holy height
And there retains for ever
The transformed spirit.
Lord, I plead,
Never release me from the noble call,
That dignity most high—that ministry
That makes the heart of me melt to be
One with Your love forever;
One as I tell Your love, in quivering tones
From depths that measure cannot know,
Your depthless, breadthless, heightless love
That captures me for ever,
And in its capture captures all
Its utter holiness had planned
For time and all eternity.
From All Things of the Spirit, by Geoffrey C. Bingham, p.97-99.